Check my return

Find out if your expat tax return was prepared correctly

If you did not use Taxes for Expats to prepare your tax return you may have done it incorrectly. To check your work, you can submit the last 3 years of tax returns for an expert review.


We can uncover errors made by other preparers and find opportunities to reduce your tax bill that others may miss.

With our expat tax check service you will receive:

A professional review of your tax return by an expert.

If any errors are found, explanation of potential consequences

Advice on whether an amended return is recommended

Cost of service — $250 Per year

would be applied towards the cost of preparing an amended return if errors are found.


Tax review covers all forms included in the individual tax return Form 1040. Forms 2555 and 1116 are also subject to the review process.

This service does not cover financial reporting (Form 1040NR is not included) and non-personal returns (business, trust, partnership, etc.). It includes the following deliverables:

What to expect

What do expat taxes and Goldilocks have in common?

Expat taxes have a lot in common with the famous children’s story – The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. First thing you should realize is that the government sees the IRS as a profit center – they are there to extract the maximum possible amount from every taxpayer. They will use every tool and trick at their disposal to accomplish that goal.

For example – if you miscalculate and pay too much (by not using all available exclusions and deductions) the government will happily keep the money. Otherwise if you make a procedural mistake and improperly fill out a form (we’re not even talking about an actual tax underpayment) the IRS will annul your expat deductions, add fees/interest on your return and demand that you pay extra taxes.

Therefore as an expat American it is equally dangerous to fall on either side of filing a 100% correct tax return.

Risks you face

Just like the Goldilocks needed to sleep in the right bed (not too big or too small) – your expat tax return must be 100% correct.

How you can put 20 years of our expertise to your advantage

In the normal course of business we often encounter clients whose previous returns were filed incorrectly (both self-prepared and done by inexperienced CPAs) resulting in large overpayments or penalties assessed by the IRS.
This is why at Taxes for Expats we introduced the Check my return service. It offers you a risk-free way to ensure that your expat tax return was filed properly. It doesn’t matter if you did the return yourself or used another tax firm – we will check it.

Ok — where do I sign up?

Choose the service ‘Check my return’ during signup

Frequently Asked Questions

We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.
We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.
We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.
We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.
We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.
We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.
We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.
We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.
We offer Core and Premier packages tailored to your specific tax filing needs. For a detailed overview of our fees, please visit: Our Fees.